The Graduate Council is the executive committee of the Graduate Faculty and is responsible for the formulation of academic policy and programs related to graduate study at Mississippi State University. In addition, the Council may advise the Dean of the Graduate School on any matter they, or the Dean, feel is appropriate. The Chairperson of the Graduate Council is elected by and from the members of the Council.
The Council consists of one elected member from each of the eight academic colleges offering graduate study (programs), and one less in number (seven) appointed by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Not more than two appointed faculty members may be from the same college or school. To be eligible for membership on the Council, members must have Level 1 status on the Graduate Faculty. The term of office is three years. A vacancy on the Council is filled in the same manner in which the member vacating the position was selected. In addition to the faculty, the Council has one graduate student representative who is usually the president of the Graduate Student Association. She/he is a voting member, and the term of office is one year.
Example officer members include the Dean of the Graduate School, Associate Dean of the Graduate School, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, Associate Provost, Associate Vice President for Administrative Affairs, Vice President for Research and Economic Development, Dean of University Libraries, Director of Center of Distance Education, Director of International Institute, Director of Institutional Research and Effectiveness, Chair of University Committee on Courses and Curricula, and Associate University Registrar.
Approved Graduate Council Policy
2016 - 2017
Previous Policy
Graduate Council Members
Dr. Rebecca Robichaux-Davis, Chair
Dr. Russell Carr, Vice Chair